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Balance & Glow

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    Women of the world! An open secret: a balanced intestinal flora will improve many of our hormonal disorders. I promise. And we all have hormonal disorders, from adolescence to menopause. Many of them result in blemishes and pimples on the skin. It's all the fault of estrogen! Have you not yet heard of Balance & Glow?

    Balance & Glow is a nutritional supplement formulated with a patented complex that combines probiotics, plant extracts, adaptogens and antioxidants that promote hormonal balance while fighting oxidative stress that causes premature skin aging.

    Who is it recommended for? Women with skin reactions and imperfections associated with hormonal changes: menstrual cycles, changing or stopping contraceptive methods, postpartum and pre-menopause. Also for women with skin reactions related to stress.


    Instructions for use

    2 capsules in the morning with a glass of water, preferably on an empty stomach. Can be taken in combination with other AIME supplements such as Pure Glow.


    - Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. It is a microorganism naturally present in the intestinal and vaginal flora, which restores both microbiotas.

    - It facilitates the production of prostaglandin, a substance that contributes to women's well-being, whose levels are reduced in women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome.

    - Chaste tree. It contributes to general well-being before and during the menstrual cycle and reduces discomfort associated with menopause.

    - Broccoli extract. Helps the liver neutralize “bad” estrogens and promotes good cellular function.

    - Reishi: is a powerful antioxidant and well-known adaptogen that increases resistance to physical and mental stress, improves sleep quality and circulation.

    - Vitamin D3 and vitamin K2. They are involved in the fixation of calcium in the bones.

    Balance & Glow
    Balance & Glow

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