Legal Notice

Legal notice


In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following data is communicated below: MARTA MUNAR GELABERT (hereinafter THE PHARMACY) is the owner of the domain (hereinafter THE WEBSITE). MARTA MUNAR GELABERT has a degree in Pharmacy from the CEU University of Madrid and is registered with the Madrid College with number 20849. Her identifying data are as follows:

Tax address: Calle Goya, 19 – 28001 Madrid, Spain.
CIF: 43166703G


THE PHARMACY informs the user of the different means of contact, through which they may send any suggestion, question or any other circumstances they deem appropriate:

Marta Munar Gelabert
Goya Street, 19
28001 Madrid, Spain
914 352 114

In addition, in different sections of the website the user will have and/or view other means of contact that they may use in accordance with the purpose for which they are established.


By using or browsing the website, the visitor acquires the status of user and thereby expressly accepts the terms established in this Legal Notice, Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy. It is the sole responsibility of the user to know and observe, when using THE WEBSITE and its materials and contents, all applicable laws and provisions, including the rules established in the Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.

Likewise, it is also the user's responsibility to periodically review the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, in case THE PHARMACY has introduced any modification, whether total or partial, to THE WEBSITE. The changes that are made will come into effect from the moment of their publication on THE WEBSITE, and communication by email or any other means is not necessary. If the user does not agree to comply with the terms of the Legal Notice, Privacy Policy or Terms of Use, he/she should not use this website.