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Pure Glow

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Acne-prone skin is usually very rebellious and tries everything, sometimes without results. You may have never tried this option before, but we can assure you that it is the best!

Pure Glow is a nutritional supplement to combat acne formulated with probiotics, zinc and turmeric. A healthy intestinal flora is reflected in healthy skin. The probiotics Bifidobacterium lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus casei reinforce and rebalance the intestinal flora, zinc has antibacterial properties that act against imperfections and turmeric reduces inflammation. It combines artichoke leaf and spirulina that perform a liver cleanse, eliminating impurities that accumulate and whose effects are manifested in the skin.

Who is it recommended for? For normal to oily skin with regular or occasional blemishes. At the beginning of the treatment, the skin detoxifies and may manifest itself by the appearance of blemishes. This is normal, it is eliminating all the impurities accumulated inside the skin and, little by little, they will disappear and you will see an incredible change in your skin.

How to take it? 2 capsules in the morning with a glass of water, preferably on an empty stomach. Can be taken intermittently as needed. If the blemishes are caused by the menstrual cycle, take the week before and during the duration of menstruation.

When will you see results? Within the first few weeks, although it always depends on each situation and the type of acne, diet, quality of sleep and lifestyle. We recommend that you continue the treatment for a minimum of 3 months to achieve greater results.


Instructions for use

2 cápsulas por la mañana con un vaso de agua, preferiblemente en ayunas. Se puede tomar de forma intermitente según sea necesario. Si las imperfecciones son causadas por el ciclo menstrual, tomar la semana anterior y durante el tiempo que dure la menstruación.


Extracto seco de rizoma de cúrcuma ( Curcuma longa L. ) (82 mg) titulado en curcumina (59,5 mg); maltodextrina; extracto seco de hoja de romero ( Rosmarinus officinalis L. ) (62 mg); ácido L-ascórbico (vitamina C) (52 mg o 65% de AR*); proteína de arroz; polvo de alga espirulina ( Spirulina platensis ) (50 mg); extracto seco de hoja de alcachofa ( Cynara scolymus L. ) (50 mg) titulado en cinarina (2,5 mg); L-glutatión reducido (45 mg); L-pidolato de zinc (5,2 mg de zinc o 52% de AR*); mezcla de vitaminas: nicotinamida (vitamina B3) (12,8 mg es decir 80% de AR*), almidón de maíz, clorhidrato de piridoxina (vitamina B6) (1,12 mg es decir 80% de AR*), ácido pteroilmonoglutámico (vitamina B9) (160 μg o 80% de AR*), cianocobalamina (vitamina B12) (2 μg o 80% de AR*); cepas bacterianas inactivadas de Bifidobacterium lactis (15 mg); Streptococcus thermophilus (15 mg); Lactobacillus casei (15 mg); antiaglomerantes: sales magnésicas de ácidos grasos, carbonato de magnesio; extracto seco de fruto de pimienta negra ( Piper nigrum L. ) (5 mg) titulado en piperina (4,75 mg).

AR*: Contribuciones de referencia

Esta lista de ingredientes puede estar sujeta a cambios, por favor consultar el empaque del producto adquirido.

Las cápsulas vegetales gastrorresistentes, fáciles de digerir, reducen el riesgo de náuseas y son suaves para el estómago.

Pure Glow
Pure Glow

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