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Superlative Aphrodite

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Natural formula based on adaptogenic plants and vitamins to regulate hormonal balance.

What are its benefits?

Regulates the menstrual cycle, reduces premenstrual and menopausal symptoms and nourishes the libido.

What are its ingredients?

- Shatavari: With a long tradition in Ayurvedic medicine, this root supports the hormonal system and promotes reproductive health. It is a powerful aphrodisiac.

- Amla berries: This is possibly the most important medicinal plant in the traditional Indian medicine system. It is known for improving fertility, increasing vitality and relieving menstrual symptoms.

- Damiana: This adaptogenic plant has been used for centuries to improve hormonal imbalances, boost energy and strengthen the nervous system.

- Maca: an energizing root that promotes sexual function.

- Schisandra berries: improve circulation, increase energy throughout the day and promote hormonal balance.

- Vitamins B5 and B6: reduce tiredness and fatigue, regulate hormonal activity and promote the proper functioning of the immune and nervous systems.

- Zinc: is one of the key nutrients to support the reproductive system.

How is it taken?

2 capsules a day, preferably in the morning with plenty of water, with or without food.

* Contraindicated in patients on anticoagulants or under treatment for diabetes. Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

Instructions for use


superlativa aphrodita
aphrodita superlativa

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