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Superlative Clean

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Natural, plant-based purifying formula to support the key organ in hormonal health and responsible for processing toxins: our beloved liver.

What are its benefits?

It supports the natural detoxification of the body by protecting the liver and kidneys from toxins. It has antioxidant and immunostimulant action, and acts as a mild diuretic and digestive tonic.

What are its ingredients?

- Milk thistle: has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties. It improves the functioning of the heart muscles and blood circulation.

- Astragalus: It is a kidney protector and mild diuretic. It is believed to have antioxidant, antiviral, immunostimulant and hepatoprotective properties.

- Licorice: aids digestion and has traditionally been used to prevent stomach ulcers.

- Chlorophyllin: promotes the elimination of body toxins and improves the health of the digestive system.

How is it taken?

Dissolve 30 drops or 1.5ml (equivalent to two full droppers) in plenty of water. You can take it all at once or carry it in your bottle to drink throughout the morning. It is intended for daily use. Shake well before use.

* Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you are pregnant or breast-feeding or suffer from hypertension.

Instructions for use



‘La creadora de la mítica Farmacia Goya 19 elabora las fragancias para el hogar más especiales y deseadas del momento.’

‘Los antioxidantes previenen el envejecimiento, neutralizan los radicales libres y aportan luminosidad, hidratación y firmeza al rostro. Por eso, debemos utilizarlos a diario.’

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Jamás me hubiera imaginado encontrar una fragancia para la casa que querría usar a diario en mi ropa, hiciera que olvidara mi perfume y me obsesionara 24/7…’

‘Todo esto explica la fiebre de la que está siendo testigo Marta Munar, creadora de la exitosa línea de perfumes de hogar G19, que ha llegado, incluso, a los almacenes Le Bon Marché en París.’