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Unique Pink Pack | Violet + Gift

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    This pack includes:

    - Unique Pink collagen 300gr : A very complete anti-aging preparation that provides luminosity, firms, is antioxidant, anti-wrinkle and also has a flat stomach effect. It offers a complete solution to prevent and reduce the signs of skin aging based on collagen, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10.

    - Unique Violet collagen 300gr : Nutritional supplement to take before going to sleep. Get a restful sleep thanks to the combination of natural extracts that also relax the skin to wake up with a good-looking effect. Contains melatonin that mimics natural sleep and improves its conciliation and quality. Ashwagandha helps combat the effects of stress accumulated throughout the day. Prebiotics promote digestion and achieve a flatter and less swollen belly. Collagen increases the firmness, elasticity and hydration of the skin.

    And a free 100ml Home Fragrance from G19! (Surprise scent)

    * Subject to stock availability. This pack has no additional discount with any discount coupon

    Instructions for use


    unique violet pack
    Unique Pink Pack | Violet + Gift

    ‘La creadora de la mítica Farmacia Goya 19 elabora las fragancias para el hogar más especiales y deseadas del momento.’

    ‘Los antioxidantes previenen el envejecimiento, neutralizan los radicales libres y aportan luminosidad, hidratación y firmeza al rostro. Por eso, debemos utilizarlos a diario.’

    ‘La mascarilla nutritiva de farmacia con aroma a chocolate que relaja e hidrata la piel al máximo’

    ‘La farmacia madrileña donde compra Gigi Hadid lanza una línea de cosmética orgánica y natural’

    Jamás me hubiera imaginado encontrar una fragancia para la casa que querría usar a diario en mi ropa, hiciera que olvidara mi perfume y me obsesionara 24/7…’

    ‘Todo esto explica la fiebre de la que está siendo testigo Marta Munar, creadora de la exitosa línea de perfumes de hogar G19, que ha llegado, incluso, a los almacenes Le Bon Marché en París.’