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Grintuss is a product based on honey and molecular complexes that has a protective and, therefore, soothing action on the upper respiratory tract. It acts against dry cough, counteracting irritation of the mucosa, and against productive cough, promoting hydration and the elimination of mucus.

Grintuss adult tablets are made using innovative extraction and production processes that allow the concentration of polysaccharide, resin and flavonoid fractions responsible for the mucoadhesive and protective action of the mucosa.

The Honey present in the formulation contributes to these activities and to the pleasant taste of the tablets.
Grintuss is a gluten-free product made from organically grown ingredients.

Grintuss adult tablets are indicated for the treatment of cough, whether dry or productive, in adults and young people aged 12 years and older.

Grintuss adult tablets protect the mucosa by calming irritation, moisturizing and promoting the elimination of mucus through the following mechanisms of action:

Barrier Effect: forms a protective film that adheres to the mucosa and protects it from contact with irritating agents.
Mucoregulatory Action: promotes mucus hydration and favors its elimination.
Lubricating Action: reduces friction in the pharynx that causes coughing.
Grintuss modulates cough without suppressing it, thus respecting its important function of defending the upper respiratory tract.

Instructions for use



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