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Unique Green Collagen

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The body version of Unique Pink Collagen. Thanks to Unique Green Collagen you will get help to combat excess food and drink, heavy digestion, weight change and fat accumulation, swelling of legs and arms caused by fluid retention or bags under the eyes.

What is collagen?

Collagen is the protein responsible for maintaining the structure of the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity . The body's own collagen production begins to decrease after the age of 30, and that is when the first signs of aging begin to appear: premature wrinkles, sagging, loss of firmness and luminosity.

One container lasts about 1 month.


The synergy of 4 actions:
1. CLEAN: liver and digestive cleansing thanks to dandelion, green tea, horsetail and pineapple
2. PROTECT: liver and digestive recovery thanks to choline, milk thistle, glutathione, ginger…
3. LIGHT: flat stomach effect and satiating due to inulin, spinach and a herbal mix called pear!
4. FIRM: firmness, of course due to the magical Collagen, which is in both unique Pink and Green, and biotin

Instructions for use

Like the pink version, take 2 tablespoons, preferably in the morning, with liquid, water or juice.
Because it has very specific functions, it is advisable to take Unique Green Collagen for a maximum of 4 months in a row, alternating with Unique Pink Collagen.
If you combine green and pink collagen, it's the bomb! Unique Green Collagen in the morning and Unique Pink Collagen in the middle of the day.


Unique Green Collagen
Unique Green Collagen

‘La creadora de la mítica Farmacia Goya 19 elabora las fragancias para el hogar más especiales y deseadas del momento.’

‘Los antioxidantes previenen el envejecimiento, neutralizan los radicales libres y aportan luminosidad, hidratación y firmeza al rostro. Por eso, debemos utilizarlos a diario.’

‘La mascarilla nutritiva de farmacia con aroma a chocolate que relaja e hidrata la piel al máximo’

‘La farmacia madrileña donde compra Gigi Hadid lanza una línea de cosmética orgánica y natural’

Jamás me hubiera imaginado encontrar una fragancia para la casa que querría usar a diario en mi ropa, hiciera que olvidara mi perfume y me obsesionara 24/7…’

‘Todo esto explica la fiebre de la que está siendo testigo Marta Munar, creadora de la exitosa línea de perfumes de hogar G19, que ha llegado, incluso, a los almacenes Le Bon Marché en París.’